


  • In the past, we have used AI in the background to facilitate great connections — matching professionals with dream career opportunities, matching experts with learners, matching brands with buyers, and most importantly, connecting professionals to help them start & grow communities in their industry. Now, we are also moving AI to the forefront of your LinkedIn experience. Imagine an AI-powered professional guide - your trusted coach, advisor, co-pilot, assistant, and colleague combined - designed to help you prepare for an interview at your dream job, answer your manager’s complex business question, learn a new critical skill, or acquire more customers for your business. Our goal is to help you achieve your professional aspirations by becoming more productive and successful. (View Highlight)
  • LinkedIn Recruiter: Reimagining Hiring with Recruiter 2024 For recruiters and hirers, finding qualified candidates quickly is the top priority. But today, getting to that ideal candidate is time consuming and hard — it can require hours of mundane searches, emails, and follow-up messages. (View Highlight)
  • In our new recruiter experiences, we’re elevating recruiter productivity with better hires, less work and a lot more fun. Recruiters will be able to focus on what they enjoy doing most — the human touchpoints with qualified candidates. They’ll never need to create a project from scratch or worry whether they are making the right decision at every point. They can articulate their hiring goal in their own words like “I want to hire a senior growth marketing leader”, and our system does the rest—matching them with ideal candidates seamlessly. (View Highlight)

New highlights added November 2, 2023 at 9:39 AM

  • As someone who loves learning, I know that the best way for me to learn is to find the most knowledgeable person on the topic and riff with them on it. As it turns out, I am not unique. That’s called 1:1 learning — the true essence of personalized learning. (View Highlight)
  • That’s why we’re rolling out LinkedIn Learning AI-powered Coaching Experience that will offer both real-time advice and tailored content recommendations all personalized for you based on your goals, job, aspirations, and the skills you follow. (View Highlight)
  • For marketers, creating campaigns that reach and influence the right buyers can be a very challenging task, especially when resources are tight. It can often take hours - from developing creatives, to determining targeting, placement and bidding strategies. That’s why we’re piloting Accelerate - a new, automated B2B marketing campaign creation experience. With one single-step, Accelerate will recommend an end-to-end campaign with automatic optimizations to deliver outstanding results. (View Highlight)
  • With 59% of sales skills augmentable by AI, we’re reimagining how sellers do research and lead prospecting. Our AI-assisted search includes a new interface that enables sellers to use our existing search functionality more efficiently. Now, they can enter casual, conversational language search prompts and sellers can better find the type of leads they’re looking for. We’re also introducing Account IQ, which helps sellers with the heavy lifting of account research to gather key information across different sources and create an easily digestible summary, directly in Sales Navigator. (View Highlight)