As a data professional, one optimal career strategy is to diversify your skill set and strive to become proficient in multiple areas. Instead of focusing solely on becoming a top 10% expert in one skill, aim to become a top 25% expert in at least three different skills.

For example, as a data professional, you could strive to become a top 25% expert in machine learning engineering, data engineering, and public speaking. By doing so, you can increase your value and versatility to potential employers or clients.

By doing so, you can increase your value and versatility to potential employers or clients, making you a more attractive candidate for a wider range of roles and projects. Having expertise in multiple areas can also make you better equipped to handle complex, interdisciplinary challenges and solve problems that require a range of skills and perspectives.

Moreover, diversifying your skill set can help you stay adaptable and relevant as technology and industries continue to evolve. By continuously learning and applying new tools and techniques, you can avoid becoming obsolete in a single field and remain competitive in the job market.

However, it’s important to strike a balance between diversifying your skill set and maintaining depth of knowledge in your core areas of expertise. Don’t spread yourself too thin or sacrifice your in-depth understanding of your field. Instead, focus on cultivating a broad range of skills that complement and enhance your existing expertise, making you a more valuable and adaptable data professional in the long term.

Great sources for this discussion are Career Advice and How to Become the Best in the World at Something