I am perpetually on a quest to optimize my workflow. The overarching objective is to work fewer hours while achieving superior results.

To maintain focus on what’s crucial, I commence my day by reviewing my To-Do list. This is automatically generated in Obsidian, taking the form of an Eisenhower matrix. Afterwards, I endeavor to structure my day around the meetings I’m expected to attend.

Here’s a candid confession: Sometimes, I work on tasks that aren’t important or urgent. Instead, I focus on activities that invigorate me.

Not only do these tasks energize me, but they also pave the way for fresh thoughts and insights. They expand my mental capacity. Interestingly enough, engaging in non-critical tasks helps me discern what’s truly important and enables me to concentrate on those significant tasks in the subsequent hours.

This could be construed as a sophisticated form of procrastination. There have been arguments against snaking, and it is evident that as a manager, it’s essential for me to strive for maximum leverage. However, without energy, there can be no leverage. Many obligatory tasks serve as energy drainers for various reasons: they may be challenging like providing negative feedback or trying to eliminate organizational blockades by engaging in internal politics; or they might simply be mundane like drafting reports for Research and Development funding.