Rationality involves the process of systematically evaluating and revising our beliefs based on available evidence to create a more accurate understanding of reality. It is an ongoing process that allows us to refine our understanding of the world and better align our beliefs with the actual state of affairs. When our beliefs accurately map onto reality, we are better equipped to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to achieve our goals.

The value of rationality lies in its ability to help us avoid common cognitive biases that can lead to inaccurate beliefs and poor decision-making. By using evidence-based reasoning and critical thinking, rationality enables us to evaluate information in a systematic and objective way. We can weigh the evidence for and against a particular belief, and use that information to adjust our understanding of the world.

The benefits of rationality extend beyond just the realm of decision-making. A more accurate understanding of reality can help us better appreciate the world around us, and develop a more nuanced and sophisticated view of the world. By adopting a rational approach to our beliefs, we can expand our horizons, challenge our assumptions, and become more informed and engaged members of society.

In summary, rationality is a powerful tool for creating a more accurate understanding of the world, enabling better decision-making, and achieving our goals. By continuously evaluating and revising our beliefs, we can develop a more nuanced and sophisticated view of the world, while avoiding the pitfalls of cognitive biases and subjective thinking.

What Do We Mean By Rationality - LessWrong